
First there was the Stone Age, then the Bronze Age, and later the Industrial Age. Now, we are in the Digital Age. The Digital Age brings opportunities never before dreamed of, but to take advantage, you must be prepared. And what is the best way to prepare for success in this digital age? The answer is IC3 certification.

IC3 gives you a clear advantage over other, lesser- prepared individuals, and whether you are competing in the classroom or the job market, IC3 moves you ahead.

You don’t have to be focusing on a career in computers to benefit from IC3. Today, virtually any career or field of study requires the use of computers. The IC3 certification can set you apart from the crowd and provide many opportunities. The IC3 Digital Literacy Certification provides students and job-seekers with the foundation of knowledge they need to succeed in environments that require the use of computers and the Internet. The Global Standard 4 is an internationally recognized standard for digital literacy and reflects the most relevant skills needed in today's academic and business environments. More>>


Exam Preparation

Certification Licenses

For education providers in all areas, the new Classroom License will mean lower costs, expanded implementation, increased control, and simplified budgeting.

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For higher education providers, the new IC3 Higher Education License will mean lower costs, expanded implementation, increased control, and simplified budgeting.

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For commercial education providers, the new IC3 Commercial License will mean lower costs, expanded implementation, increased control, and simplified budgeting.

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