Introducing new testing for Microsoft Office Specialist OneNote 2013 and SharePoint 2013.

Candidates taking the OneNote 2013 exam will demonstrate their ability to manage the OneNote environment, share and collaborate with other users, organize and find notes and edit and link content in OneNote.

The SharePoint 2013 exam measures the ability to create and format content, manage SharePoint sites, participate in user communities and configure and consume site search results.

Certiport makes OneNote and SharePoint certification as easy as 1-2-3 with a unique, three-step pathway:

  1. LEARN how to use Microsoft Office OneNote 2013 and SharePoint 2013 using content-rich materials including textbooks, online eCourseware, and video resources.
  2. PRACTICE using interactive exam preparation tools and practice exams.
  3. CERTIFYand validate skills taking Certiport performance-based exams.

MOS OneNote 2013 Exam

You will manage page layouts, create, collaborate and share OneNote notebooks, search for content, save and manage OneNote history and backups, configure Quick Filing and create and manage tags.

MOS SharePoint 2013 Exam

You will navigate SharePoint hierarchy, manage lists, libraries and document sets, perform administrative tasks on sites and workspaces, manage users and groups, configure and collaborate through My Site, perform search administration at the site levee and perform advanced searches.

MOS 2013 Master Certification

Demonstrate that you have the deepest level of skills needed to proficiently use Office programs by earning a Microsoft Office 2013 Master certification.

More MOS 2013 Master Information